The episode was beautifully amazing.
I appreciated so much seeing the whole "gang" being emotional and go through a lot in this season and in particular during this episode when they announced A.Keating won the class action lawsuit. Yaay!
What I liked also is Frank Delfino going on Middleton's university tour and applying there to get his "second chance' that Keating said that everyone should get. Plus, of course Nate did NOT destroy the files Denver had and of course he looked into Bonnie's files lol.
This lays for all the new plots and events for the next season! And exactly who did Frank call at the end? Who's the kid that he seemed to recognise his name?
Did Laurel kill her mother? What were those scratches? The series did give many answers for what has been going on in this season but also we are left with so many other questions now.
Guess we'll have to wait till next season.
Shonda Rhimes delivers a great episode, once again.

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