[5.4/10] Mac is rarely my favorite character on the show, but I still generally like him as a good ingredient in The Gang’s milieu. The problem here is that the show not only focuses on him, but focuses on all of his most exaggerated, caricatured qualities and turns them up to eleven, without being able to get much comedy out of it.

And hey, these characters are already pretty outsized, so it’s hard to make them much more exaggerated than they already are, but presenting a version of Mac who is nothing but karate chops, religion, and repressed homosexuality makes this feel like fan fiction despite the fact that the episode’s written by the creators of the show.

Anyway, the misadventures on “Mac Day” are pretty dumb, and I’m not a big fan of Sean William Scott as “Country Mac” either. Scott doesn’t have the best energy for the show. There’s some laughs out of the way The Gang clearly like him more than Mac, and even idolize him (and the funniest bits of the episode are them getting high and realizing they don’t actually like Mac), but that’s way more due to the group’s hilarious reactions to things (like in Mac’s “Project Badass” video), than anything that “Country Mac” actually does.

I can appreciate the turn at the end where all the Country Mac affection ends in the guy randomly dying, but otherwise, this one was a big meh.

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