Review by LeftHandedGuitarist
BlockedParent2018-04-15T09:24:29Z— updated 2018-04-23T22:07:29Z

Gloriously good fun, and it actually advances the narrative of the show. Finally, four seasons (and about 3 years) in, Voyager makes contact with home.

Unfortunately, we don't get to see any of that. But I can pretty much forgive it, because what we are given is an extremely enjoyable, funny and adventurous episode that focuses on the strengths of the show's most complex and interesting character, the Doctor. He's paired up with a new version of the EMH and the sparks that fly between the two of them just makes for great viewing that puts a smile on your face.

It's unfortunate that the EMH-2 is played by Andy Dick. This was before most of his "troubles" began, but it's hard to happily sit and watch him.

We get to see classic Trek villains in the Romulans, and we're also given the first hint of a new enemy on the horizon (the Hirogen). The scenes back on Voyager while all the excitement is happening feel quite a lot like filler material, but they at least keep the levity and humour that is needed. Also, is it my imagination or is Tom getting a bit chubby?

I daresay this is my favourite Voyager episode so far, and that's largely down to things actually HAPPENING and the story finally being pushed in new directions. Couple that with good comedy and strong character work and you have a winner. There's also a real emotional moment at the end; I just wish we could have seen more of actual Starfleet interaction. Maybe that's still to come.

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