[7.6/10] I started this one off a bit skeptical. The opening montage of stunt doubles doing ski tricks felt indulgent, and South Park has pretty much mastered the “poking fun at 1980s sports movie clichés” game with “Ass-pen.” But I walked away laughing at a lot of good gags in this episode, and feeling like IASIP left its mark in the 80s spoof comedy episode.

In particular, I got a huge gag out of the mild deconstruction of those tropes. Between Mac and Dee realizing that the guys who lived that lifestyle are now kind of pathetic, and the episode slowly unspooling the realization that the “pranks” of those films were premised on sexual assault, culminating in the “cool guy” getting arrested for it, is an inspired bit of humorous commentary.

I also got a big kick of Charlie not understanding the “mountain rules” like why everyone’s suddenly so good at skiing, why people just go along with all this insanity, and most of all, why the ski resort announcer knows and announces such personal information about everyone. It’s an easy joke, but it works like gangbusters.

The same goes for how quickly Mac and Dee’s partying with Frisco turns into a neon-covered 80s cliché fest, as Frank and Dennis quickly congeal into the perfect sports flick bad guys. (Dennis’s laugh is a particular treat.)

Not all of it’s brilliant or anything (Charlie’s sex scenes with Tatiana in particular feel, again, indulgent), but the way Charlie and Dennis have the “big race”, which is revealed to have all been part of Frank’s plan to distract the populace (as well as using a compliment of hookers) while he fracks the mountain, is a great way to take the stuffing out of these movies and go out on a high note.

Overall, a very fun parody that walks the line between loving homage, and no-holds barred spoof nicely.

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