Shout by LeftHandedGuitarist

Star Trek: Voyager: Season 5

5x01 Night

Well, at least Janeway is finally acknowledging her selfish and impulsive behaviour - a nice continuation of her character from the finale of season 4. I also quite liked that the crew actually do feel like a bunch of friends at long last, despite the lack of evidence the show has given along the way.

The Captain Proton/Flash Gordon rip off worked quite well, and that surprised me! But still, we have the ship desperately trying to conserve power in the Void and people using the holodeck constantly. I'd imagine it's pretty essential for morale, but at least attempt to make this situation realistic.

Quite a nice chat between Chakotay and Tuvok. The Malon are yet another weak and uninteresting alien, though.

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