Review by Lucas Melo

Humans: Season 3

3x04 Episode 4

Well, damn. That escalated quickly, here was I theorising about how Joe and Karen would end up together... Oh well, guess who will have to take care of the boy. Heartbreaking stuff.

(For the smartest kid in the world, that kid sure has a penchant for getting hurt or in trouble)

Other than that ending it was a rather slow episode, lots of relationships of different couples and a surprisingly uneventful visit to the Synth compound. I wish we had more interactions between them there, but the few we got were pretty good.

Max needs to try and understand Agnes more rather than keep antagonising her completely like that. One thing I was wondering was why they didn't just turn Agnes off - maybe it's a super offensive thing between them? Because Niska was turned off in the beginning, so "turning off" is still a thing.

(Also, I knew Niska would end up disguising herself as an orange eyes!)

I find it annoying that they have the Synths behave stupidly for plot reasons - I mean that guy who was guarding the door. They make a big deal out of showing how intelligent and capable the Synths are, specifically showing us how they're "studying" emotions... but then are naive enough to get fooled by a simple lie, from the only guy who notoriously supported Agnes.

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