Review by TMRider

Cell 2016


Review by TMRider

I was so disappointed from this.
Because of reasons I can't explain, the book is one of my favorite stand alone stories. Every time I read it (first time was in 2006 and 4 times in total I think, and in 2 different languages) it managed to suck me in its world.
The movie, putting the first 10 minutes aside, was absolutely the opposite. Maybe it's because I had high hopes. But as a book adaptation, it was really meh.
Yeah, they had some "easter eggs" from the book like the the black and blonde girls, the glass sphere, the knife block with the drawings breifcase, the cat, the phoner covered with pumpkin and the guys on the motorcycle, but that surely wasn't enough.
The acting was 'meh', the script was 'meh', characters arcs was really 'meh'. But the ending. Dammit. Was so stupid, it looked as if they ran out of badget and someone said "well, we can't do what's in the book, so let's just make everyone run in a freakin' circle and then do a really sh¡tty 90's slow-mo so everything will make even less sense at the end.

And to add more 'meh' - the wannabe horror film about zombies and violence and blood got PG13 rating for some reason so Samuel L. Jackson can't drop any F-bombs. Shame.
(Edit: so I checked and it's rated R (>ლ) WTAF dudes?)

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