Review by Anto Butera

Love, Simon 2018

This is a very sweet, very cute movie. And it has a nice positive message.

Still, is it just me or did the whole romantic aspect feel brutally abrupt? Like, one minute there were some emails going back and forth, and suddenly we're talking about being in love. What? And I get clicking with someone without physically meeting them, cause that isn't really physical. But being attracted to someone? I don't buy you can get there through a screen. I don't know if the whole boyfriend aspect was strictly necessary. The movie would have worked just as well if it was just two closeted gay kids meeting through the internet, striking a friendship, and giving each other the self confidence and reassurance to come out.

Stop trying to cram romance where it's not needed!

And one more thing. I'm still trying to figure out how everyone correctly assumed Blue was a guy. The post literally just said 'I'm gay', and, like, girls can be gay too. Is it really that far fetched to think Blue could have been a girl? It's not like he wrote I'm a guy who likes guys, just I'm gay. And now that I'm thinking bout it, wouldn't it have been a much better plot twist and all around story is Blue actually turned out to be a lesbian? And they only figured it out after like two months and two dozen emails or something? But still, her and Simon gave each other the courage to be themselves? The misunderstanding would have been so funny! Missed opportunity there.

Also, I'm disappointed no one punched Martin in the face. Dude had it coming the whole movie #sorrynotsorry. And the drama teacher's smack down of the bullies gave me life! Yass, honey! So good (though it did make Simon look like a bit of a pansy, just saying).

Lastly, does anyone else think Nick looks like a younger version/little brother of Antoni from Queer Eye? No? Really? Huh.

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