After a really promising set up it all got a bit silly, but I still found it quite enjoyable. The final scene on the shuttle with Janeway and Seven was quite lovely and heartfelt, although I would put that far more down to the performances rather than the script.

This episode may contain the first example in television history of two character resolving a serious misunderstanding based on false information by just having a quick conversation. Seriously, in most stories the Janeway/Chakotay standoff would have been the entire crux of an episode because fictional characters are usually incapable of talking to each other.

Did we ever get an explanation for the strange tractor beam in the image?

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No, we didn't. However, even the episode itself is inconclusive about if it is a tractor beam at all. When Seven asks if that is a tractor the computer replies "insufficient sensor data". So it could be a ghost image.
What I find more intriguing is the fact that Voyager did have that tri-cobalt warheads. A non standard device on a basic search and retrieve mission ? That is a red flag. Of course knowing Voyager it's probably just something the writer put in for the sake of the story not thinking anything about it. Which makes it odd that it was picked up here again. Maybe they were setting up for a conspiracy story. Or they put it in just in to give us nerds something to think about.

See, I can do what Seven did, too. :grinning:
