Shout by Andrew Bloom

Castle Rock: Season 1

1x10 Romans


Shout by Andrew Bloom

[5.2/10] My honest-to-god first thought when the credits rolled on this episode were “what the hell was that?”

Sigh. Well, at least the first season of Castle Rock died as it lived, with tons of rambling and screwing around, glacial pacing, and an almost complete lack of payoff. There’s some vague revelations here -- mostly that Henry killed his dad to save his mom, and some vague hints -- like that there really is something devilish or sinister in The Kid (and maybe in his/Henry’s father). There’s some minor thematic work about doing something evil to stop a greater evil.

But that’s all pretty thin broth for a plodding, dull, and occasionally nonsensical final hour for this season. The best you can say is that Castle Rock stayed true to form through it all. But this was just anticlimactic and not nearly as spiritual on intellectual as it seems to think.

Overall, this was a lot of wheel-spinning until an underwhelming conclusion with cheesy florid voiceover to take us out, which seems fitting for this sporadically brilliant but mostly patience-trying show.

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