Shout by BraveStar

Designated Survivor 2016

This show starts off with a very intriguing premise, what happens if the entire standing US government dies in a terrorist attack, and people who were never intended to lead are now forced to step in during national crisis? Season one explores the outfall and investigation of the attack, and possible conspiracy pulling the strings. While the extended plot is sometimes confusing and reaches far to make connections, it is in the shorter episodic stories that make this show enjoyable. Season two plays more to this episodic format and lets the actors take center stage.

The true gold of this show is the main character and his personal growth, President Kirkman. Keifer Sutherland's portrayal of a reluctant President is inspiring. He is defiantly independent, honest, humble, and openly flawed. He doesn't play politics, but pushes back against those who would use situations to personal advantage. In short, he fights for the American people in a manner which commands respect, while also endearing loyalty and empathy; he is the kind of President we hope and wish we could have in real life.

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