Review by Lee Brown Barrow Movie Buff

Brad's Status 2017

Not everybody will buy into Brad's thinking, but for me it was completely relatable. While my life isn't completely crappy, and there is much that I am proud of, I still have those 'what if' feelings. Looking at others, I get all Meg Ryan and wish I could have what they were having. I overthink and wonder what other people think of me. It's envy and insecurity I know, and the thoughts are often out of line with reality. And so it is with Brad's status and the way he looked at his life in this film.

And as is shown in the film through the character of Brad and his philosophical musings, we should all bend our faulty perceptions into something more reasonable. We should stop and smell the roses and be happy for who we are. We should be present in our reality and not worry unduly about what our lives could have been. We should practice gratitude and not dissatisfaction. We shouldn't give a damn about what others think of us. And on that note, I suggest you watch the film. If you relate to my ramblings even a little, then you will get something from the reflections ruminated on throughout the course of this movie. In my opinion, there were moments within of unbridled brilliance. In short, watch it!

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