This show, this damn show, honestly!

That was a massive improvement from the premiere. Each character got its own moment to shine and boy, did they! I'm so liking these season so far, especially the little moments and storylines. Jack's, Nick's, Cas', everyone had their moment to shine.

I'm still looking forward to seeing Jack and Nick together in a scene. I'm dying to see their interaction.

Seeing Mary and Bobby in their fed suits with Sam only makes me miss Dean even more. I'm gonna die of happiness when these four share a scene together. I'm really looking forward to seeing the family together again. I'm so waiting for them to mention the family business again.

Bobby was great. "DFA?" seriously, I know it's been a lot of years without doing the sleuth's work but how could he forget that? It was funny to watch, though.

Jensen's acting was less stiff and so much better overall, although something in the way he moved and the way he talked screamed Dean. Maybe it's just genius if you consider that there's no freaking way that at the end is Dean, but Michael pretending to be Dean. Maybe that's why Jensen's acting reminded me a little bit of Dean. Perhaps Michael was trying and imitate Dean. All in all, there's no way in hell that that at the end is the real Dean. I just hope Sam is not gullible enough to believe it for a second. It seems so obvious that Michael wants to take advantage of Dean and Sam's bond.

I loved Mary's smile when "Dean" said, "No. Of course I'm not okay". She was like, yeah, that's my boy.

However, if that ends up being Dean, it's gonna be another Demon Dean case and I'm going to be utterly disappointed. Besides, Michael is smarter than that. There's no real reason why he would willingly leave his sword.

Btw, I sort of got my mirror scene between Dean and Michael. If only it had been a tad longer...

One storyline that I find completely interesting, regardless of the explanation that has been given, is Nick's. Seriously, Mark Pellegrino owns every scene he's in. I still find it weird when they refer to him as Nick. To me, Mark shall always and forever be Lucifer.

When Nick snapped his fingers I gasped! His body language screamed Lucifer, as well as in the last scene. His movements, his reactions, damn that was good. One second he's Lucifer, andthe next he goes back to being that clueless Nick. It's like a part of Voldemort is still living inside of him.

I'm still unsure whether he's schozophrenic or Lucifer's influence on him was so damn big that he's going to become him little by little.

I bet the writers are elading us to believe that it was Nick the one who killed his family and that he was inherently evil. but that memory loss has to come from somewhere. Besides, his reaction when he found out his family had been slaughtered was genuine. Last episode I thought there was still something of Lucifer left on him, but why would Lucifer want to kill that Arty guy? I'm going for the demon possession explanation. And maybe it was the fact that he killed his own family (though unwillingly) that Lucifer chose him as his vessel.

"You know, in all my thousands of years, what happened to Jimmy Novak and his family is my greatest regret".

Listening to Cas saying that brought chills to my spine. That scene was gol. Definitely one of the best this episode. That scene brough back my concerns about how fucked up it is that angels take human bodies as their own. It's been a while since that hasn't been mentioned. Some seasons ago, they sort of addressed the topic with Hannah realizing that her vessel wanted out and that she was preventing her from living. However, listening to Cas talk about how his biggest regret was taking over Jimmy and dragging his family down with him was amazing. I love human Cas.

Supernatural really knows how to end an episode. I was expecting some violence or anger towards that Arty guy, but I was not prepared for what I witnessed. That scene with Nick and Arty was one of the best. Mark Pellegrino is just too good and every single day I'm thankful taht he's still on the show. The decision to bring Nick back can be rather questionable, but his role in this episode completely justifies his comeback.

One of my favourite scenes was the one between Cas and Nick. The acting was outstanding and the level of emotion and acting was beyond the top. These two guys have great chemistry. They rocked out the scene. And I love how Nick refers to Cas as Castiel.

I loved Cas this episode. From beginning to end. His talk trying to help Jack was lovelt and his discussion with Nick about occuppying vessels was outstanding, one of the highlights this episode.

Cas reminded me of a stressed-out and tired mother tasked with taking care and making sure his unruly kids behave while their dad is out of town.

I wasn't expecting a backstory of Kelly. In fact, every single time Jack mentions how much he loves his mother, it's a bittersweet moment to me. His relationship with his mom always moves me to tears. There's something with these two that really hits me right in the feels. Seeing Jack unable to tell Kelly's parents that he is their grandson was heartbreaking. I get the feeling that her mother already knows what happened.

Now, I need more. I'm hyped for what's to come and to know more about Michael's plans because there is no way in hell he is our Dean. I just hope Sam learns from his past mistakes and remains skeptical. Also, I need more of Nick- That is the most interesting storyline to me. Also, when are we going to hear about the angels? I really hope they catch up with that subplot soon.

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@vero-winchester this just hit it to the point! I came to read this after seeing the episode and dayum is this on point. All of the things you mentioned are what I loved about this episode~ I'm just so glad that this show got its mojo back and that I stayed for it!
