Season three was very much different but it was so in a good way.

I like the fights in Daredevil but you can only do so much. And just repeating what has worked before can become boring fast. So we get a dark story that puts it's focus clearly more on character than on action. It was the right thing to do at the right time and I loved every minute of it. But when the action comes it always hits like a sledgehammer. Intense fights that are well choreographed.
Acting is, again, top notch. Cox does really well in showing us a struggeling Matt Murdock. D'Onofrio has such a strong presence that pulls you in. As I said before - on both cases they could not have cast a better actor. I don't think Deb Woll deserves the hatred she gets sometimes. I know lot of people don't like Karen but she also has some great scenes this season and Woll shows that she is more than a capable actress herself. And let`s not forget Bethel, another great casting decission. I was a little bit dissapointed by Jay Ali, though, both in terms of the actor and the character.

I am sure next season will have more action as we surely will see more of Bullseye and personally I'd like to see a bit of Fisk, too, if only because of D'Onofrio. After this season this is easily now one of my top 3 shows currently running.

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