[8.5/10] I really enjoyed this one. There was a great comic balance to Spider-Man running up or downstairs to look after an ill-of-health Hulk, while then running back to look after/distract his Aunt May and her twisted ankle. It reminded of Arsenic and Old Lace of all things, with the energetic farce of it all. Seeing Spidey try to keep Hulk quiet and non-destructive, at the same time he’s trying to keep Aunt May stationary and unsuspicious is a great comic setup, made all the better by him having to keep Hulk from knowing he’s Peter Parker and keep Aunt May from knowing he’s Spider-Man.

At the same time, there’s an emotional core to the episode that deepens things. There’s a legitimate moral dilemma at play here, with Spider-Man wanting to be honest and dutiful about his Shield responsibilities, while not wanting to turn his big green friend over to authorities who might lock him away forever. Centering the whole thing on friendship, and Spider-Man trying to do what’s right and not just what’s required, is a strong choice. I particularly liked the moment where Peter revealed his identity to Hulk, to cement the fact that they really were friends and really should trust each other.

The action stuff against the phalanx was pretty basic, but also not the core of the story, so it’s easy to deal with. And seeing Hulk do his smashing best against them was enjoyable. The climax of the story, with Spider-Man brokering peace between Hulk and Fury, was a great payoff to Spidey’s dilemma, and the tag with Aunt May is a little broad but still enjoyable.

Overall, this one manages to be action-packed, comedic, with some earned sentiment and good story sense beneath. Definitely the show at its best.

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