Review by dgw

For some reason, only this episode is unavailable through Hulu.

Watching it through NBC's free streaming option instead was absolute hell. Five ads per break, three breaks in a 20-minute show. Long ads, with no progress indicator (who knows how long you'll have to wait). The video quality of the ads is higher than the show itself—any scenes with moderate amounts of motion devolved into blocky, bitstarved soup.

I wound up watching three extra ads (the episode also starts with an ad) before I figured out how to dismiss the "Up next" overlay—which doesn't appear in fullscreen mode. It was trying to skip the credits, but the credits of this episode appear over a dance number.

Never again will I use NBC.com to stream a show. Ever. (I should have learned from that time I tried to view Knight Rider on a 5:4 display. NBC's video for that series includes black bars on the sides, so if your display isn't widescreen it gets double-letterboxed.)

Also, NBC has a caption feature, but it's not enabled for this episode (or show… I refuse to check any other episodes because of how bad their player is). Not a big deal in this episode, but sometimes I have to turn on the captions for a bit to catch a hard-to-hear line.

Oh, but the episode itself was pretty good. It was just hard to tell through the godawful viewing experience.

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