Shout by Saint Pauly

Mortal Engines 2018


Shout by Saint Pauly
BlockedParent2018-12-14T23:49:22Z— updated 2018-12-18T21:43:55Z

Mortal Engines is a retro platform game with its outdated special effects, bad voice acting, and stale story line. While there were some interesting worlds and the final boss battle was as exciting as it was predictable, overall the film suffered from too much lag time while it struggled to load all the unnecessary back story.

Peter Jackson co-wrote and produced Mortal Engines, and that's obvious enough from his sticky fingerprints all over this project. Yet while we have all the grand scale visuals that come with an epic Jackson film, most of the dialogue -- and especially every one-liner we were forced to hear -- should've been cut because nobody plays a retro game for the tired stories.

Better than an after school special rerun but nothing else.

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