Review by Saint Pauly

Shoplifters 2018


Review by Saint Pauly
BlockedParent2018-12-15T12:38:49Z— updated 2018-12-16T12:51:04Z

How to win the Palme d'Or at Cannes:

  1. Be in any language but English
  2. Be about a family
  3. Be ambiguous with your sad ending

Shoplifters isn't a bad film. It has some interesting things to say about families and it says them extremely well. But when I think about about a film that embodies passion for filmmaking, Shoplifters, with its over-long second act, wouldn't be my first choice this year. (If you care, the correct answer amongst films in competition is either Dogman, Happy as Lazzaro or Leto, but I would've accepted Under the Silver Lake or Burning ;-) ).

Still, Shoplifters is a safe choice and is a harmless film for critics to rave over so run along then and play with your trophy, I have bigger films to see.

UPDATE: After receiving several death threats, I'm forced to re-evaluate my position... Honestly, upon reflection a day later, I've realised Shoplifters has affected me more favourably than I'd thought, so I'm increasing my rating to a 'like'. In retrospect, I probably went into the cinema with a chip on my shoulder, bullying the film into making me like it, and this is a film that doesn't deserved to be bullied.

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