Shout by David Gilleand

Collateral Beauty 2016

On the surface, I can understand the hate that is centered around this film - it had false and misleading advertising, and a bit of plot holes that pop up when you think about things just a little bit, but then you dig deeper.

People wanted this to be a holiday film with Christmas magic similar to A Christmas Carol with three spirits visiting the cranky old man to make him see the light, but that isn't what Will Smith is all about. He made this real and visceral while still maintaining a fresh take on the real magic that actually affects us every day - feelings. There are also plenty of really interesting parallels that happen in the movie that you might have to watch a couple of times to notice, but when you see them, the movie only becomes that more effective in what it's truly going for.

Does this film deserve hatred? Not at all. It has real issues that you shouldn't ignore, which does negatively affect the overall score, but as a whole, I do consider this flick solid.

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