Review by ítalo
BlockedParent2019-01-04T06:41:41Z— updated 2020-07-12T03:35:31Z

Beautiful, touching and mere seconds away from being something truly remarkable. This movie perfectly tackles a theme that's very dear to my heart: mental health. It's cruel, and endearing, and heartful and raw.
Even though it's mostly well acted, this movie's script isn't quite structured in tangible sectors. You see, the stakes are barely visible at the same time the story has struggles to progress through conflict. We have glimpses of antagonization throughout the film, ultimately culminating in a harrowing sequence that could've been better organized. Is it clear what Nise wants? How she wants it? Who's with her? Who is stopping her, however their way, and why he's doing that? What happens if she doesn't succeed? Nevertheless, if the movie didn't want to hand these ideas out, did it clearly stated it was half-abstracted and stablished liberty for interpretation, for example? I can't say I've finished the film knowing the exact answer to these and other questions... Her connection to Carl Jung, the nurse's change of heart, the hospital's administration and other subplots come out a tiny bit underdeveloped. Neither bland, or shallow... just lackluster, you know? Despite all of this, in the grand scheme of things the story is so, so, so, so good all I've criticized before doesn't really bother me that much past the ending.
Gloria Pires's portrayal of Nise da Silveira is good. Other actors and actresses, especially the mental health pacients, shine in more believability and boldness. And as for the last section, editing and sound design are technical aspects badly-ish explored during the movie in my opinion, although cinematography is on point.

Edit: Typos.

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