First of all Everythingship is an adorable couple thing. I think it's interesting. But let's talk about that opening. The one that contextualizes the ever present narrative voice of Joe. I nearly peed my pants when you realized Joe was talking to someone. Bunch of scenarios popped up in my mind of who he could be talking to but I was surprised when the listener was revealed.

The show takes the very lovely tension it's built up and it keeps it taunt by adjusting the pacing in this episode things happen over month. We see the fall of Becks/Joe and after the fictional world shattering events of the last episode watching this happen was a surprise you don't expect things to change the lives of the characters twice.

On the creepy Joe front there's not a lot to talk about with regards to what he is doing. Which I think is important. The show is showing you that creepy guys aren't creepy 100% of the time. Sometimes it's a few red flags for a couple of weeks and then for a few months they seem normal or ideal even but in this story we see the constantly running stream of consciousness of Joe and we know that even though his actions seem fine his mental state is troubling. It's something the show never wants you to forget. Everything Joe does it intentional even when it doesn't seem to be. But there are SOME things to talk about like pee jar makes it's return as we see a character from last episode show up again here in a manner that feels like breadcrumbs that will eventually lead to him. We see Joe push a boundary that leads to an ultimatium with Becks and then we have yet another jump scare again with Joe as the target which is an interesting turn of events. In this case as with last case the person who caught Joe has the upper hand.

At the end of the episode we have another hint to the personhood and fate of Candace someone who is becoming more and more important to the narrative. There's a mystery to unlock there and that mystery might give even more context to Joe's nature.

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