Review by wolfkin
BlockedParent2019-01-10T03:59:19Z— updated 2023-05-30T13:56:34Z

A solid episode. Great drama. Great policework. Stakes to care about in the major and minor plotlines. This episode did everything that MacGyver (3x11) did wrong this week. The series wide technical issues are still there. The body cameras that the cops are never without and are clearly not the footage we see based on the angles the footage shows. Here's a minor hint: If the character is peaking around the corner, then they will only expose their head. Therefore, the body cam footage shouldn't show the peaking around the corner.

But to be honest the fact that I'm literally complaining about the body cam footage parts shows how great this episode was. It might be my top 5 of the season. I even cared about the episodic characters. I care about the pregnant woman trapped in a relationship with.... I dunno a drug kingpin or a gangster or a gun runner whatever he classifies as. I cared about the black man who didn't want to take no muss from the cop but still let them survive in his apartment. I was invested in the two (IA?) guys who showed up late to the party [spoilers] and as much as I didn't like them. I felt reasonably sad when one died saving his partner[/spoilers]. Even the B-Plot about the break-in and the new investigation about it and whether or not it would be revealed that Lucy and John were having sex that night was interesting. One of my bigger complaints in the show is how idealized the police are where one lie can get you kicked off the force but IRL you can shoot a 7yo in the head and not get kicked off SWAT. But even that was toned down this episode. There's a minor theme about the truth setting you free but the only one who buys into that nonsense is John Nolan because that's the sort of thing a white guy might think but Lucy knows better. Even Commander West knows this and is clearly only using this to trick John Nolan into giving himself up. It's the sort of theme that would be super annoying if a full episode was dedicated to it but in this episode it was used exactly as much as it needed to be.

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