Review by LeftHandedGuitarist

The Orville: Season 2

2x01 Ja'loja

The Orville is back (finally) and gave us what may be my favourite episode so far. That's odd, because nothing really happened in it as such. This was a pure character piece that juggled a lot of different plots and did it well. It's mostly made me realise how much I enjoy these people, and how fun just spending time in their lives is.

This was definitely a drama first, with comedy in the background. I like that arrangement, and I hope that the show continues in a similar fashion. I'm sure there are going to be mysteries, space battles and all sorts of thrills in later episodes, but for now this was a great re-introduction.

I'm really becoming a fan of the Claire/Isaac interactions.

I am a little surprised at the direction that Captain Mercer is going, he's not exactly presenting a good role model for the commander of a ship! I'm also disappointed that the Ed/Kelly relationship is still such a thing. It hasn't worked for me since the first episode, and I was hopeful that it was done with given the way season 1 ended.

Leave it to me to often find "filler" episodes the most enjoyable.

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