Review by IHateBadMovies.com
BlockedParent2019-01-15T12:31:41Z— updated 2019-05-21T00:51:32Z

Holy S, I can't understand the previous comments. This was one of the best 30 minute episodes of a comedy that I've ever seen. Surely there is a network sitcom that you can be watching if you want the same thing over and over again.

First, the episode was genius and in a sense reminded me of last season's first episode where they just kind of went free-form and didn't rush to get into the season. After all it is a larger story that they are telling - there will be lots of time to get to the train wreck that is surely coming. The episode also reminded me of shows like moonlighting that weren't afraid to have a theme show once in a while. If you saw the show's tag line it shouldn't have taken 20 minutes to figure out what they were going for. I was rolling towards the end of the show.

And finally... the point wasn't to show them all cute and cuddly. They aren't and that was the point. They are both dark and the episode showed how when the stars align they can be dark together and have a beautifully dark relationship that is all their own.

EDIT 5/20/2019. As I said in my review of the season premier there was a larger story to tell here. This episode set the scene for the last few minutes of the finale (not unlike how the first episode of the Sopranos last season set the scene for the magnificent ending).

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