Review by wolfkin
BlockedParent2019-01-20T03:25:25Z— updated 2019-01-31T01:51:20Z

It's not enough that they're in the quarantine. But EVERYTHING has to go wrong. Not just that they had a pregnant woman but she has to give birth then and there.. not just that but the baby isn't angled right not just that but after the cesarian that baby is suffering AND the mother is suffering. It's just .. frankly it's just ridiculous. Because that's just one of the maybe 5 medical plotlines going on in this episode.

And on this episode of Shawn is the worst doctor: I thought the lightbulb thing was stupid last episode but it turns out he literally meant the lightbulb AND the yelling. Dude if you're an ER doctor and yelling is going to throw you off your game. Why are you an ER doctor? This doesn't make sense. There's been plenty of yelling before and he's not going thought an emotional crisis. As sad as it is I actually found the lightbulb messing with him more credible than the yelling. Which is doubly funny because one of the plotlines to this episode is that Shawn isn't a delicate flower and you don't have to treat him with kid gloves.

However in contrast to the last episode Edit: almost nobody dies. Which is whatever. Maybe having 5 stories going on at once actually helped because there was less room for stupid nonsense you typically see in a show of this budget.

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@wolfkin The father donating marrow died . . .

@glasgow1975 touché. I did forget about him

Shawn isn’t an ER doc. He’s a surgical resident. They get called down to the ER to do assessments all the time. And many people on the the spectrum have sensory issues. So it’s completely reasonable that all of the yelling, coupled with the light got to him. Not to mention all of the stress in general got to him. To a certain extent damn near everyone was off their game. It’s not as if that was a typical work day.
