What's this? An enjoyable episode without Alara?!

Honestly surprised that this show is pulling off the Star Trek vibe so well. Based on the first season, I wouldn't have thought it possible, but the writing really changed course this season. Good. Fewer cheap jokes, more heart.

The Krill are a really intriguing blend of Klingons (militaristic; they have painstiks), Romulans (superior/arrogant; green everywhere, though I guess that could be a Borg influence if you squint), Cardassians (reptilian appearance), and Jem'Hadar (militarism and appearance, again; stilted, formal, direct language when talking to enemies).

Actually, now that I wrote that out, I think Jem'Hadar is the primary influence for the Krill. They have that religion-based dominance thing going for them (even if the Jem'Hadar only had it because they were engineered to by the Founders). Still neat.

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