Review by Cluisanna

Smallville: Season 1

1x12 Leech

Okay, I've been giving all of these "I touched a green rock in a weird way and it made me special" storylines a pass because Kryptonite is the Green Rock, but this time I just gotta say - the whole point of Superman is that he's so strong because his alien cells process solar radiation differently, so while I can accept that Kryptonite would be able to transfer his powers (considering it has been able to give people visions of the future, the most powerful skill of all), but they should have come back relatively quickly and faded away in the other kid's body just as quickly, since his cells can't 'replenish' the power.
Otherwise, I know it's basically his archetype but Clark is starting to kind of annoy me with his "I just want to be normal." crap and his constant emotionally driven actions - on the other hand, it was a joy to see Lex execute a devious plan to perfection while still doing only as was done to him. I'm starting to feel this show should be about him. I also feel kind of bad for him that he tests his suspicion about Clark on the ONE day where they aren't true - it's convenient for the plot but jeez, how about Clark be an actual friend and tell him the truth? Both Chloe and Lana kind of already know, considering how often he's had to rescue them... although everyone on this show seems to be not only blind, but also extremely good at moving on from all matter of crap.

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