Seems like the retconning continues: this week the replicators have been replaced by a more timeline suited version like TOS, the hologram com system apparently sucks so they're gonna stop using it and sneezing aliens in elevators sucked... Though they still use holographic images for briefings. Hell even Mary Burnham Sue seemed so insecure in that scene... I bet it's one of the reshoots they did for the season. And quite frankly these reshoots seem to be the best of the episode.

Jett Reno acts like an ass and is pretty much the condescending man-hating lesbian I guess? That whole conversation seemed a bit stupid... World War 3 happened Stamitz! Earth was blown to pieces so where were your solar panels? Also who the hell is Prince in that century?

Burnham still is the sore thumb of it all. Why is she even at the head of the ready-table. We have a captain and a number one , who apparently doesn't have much to do, but a mutineer who started a war killing thousands gets to be in charge? Miss know-it-all undermining professionals at every turn. Thanks Burnham for all the wealth of knowledge you have given us!! ALL HAIL BURNHAM! And here was me thinking Sisko is a god.

The music is becoming annoying... it doesn't need to be there ALL THE TIME.

The whole deathscene with Saru fell flat since I didn't actually believe it was going to happen. How stupid would they be if they kill of the best character in the show... The emotions in that scene didn't affect me cause of this and so it was a pointless scene. And loo behold... it was. But at least we know that Burnham has feelings for Saru and Saru isn't scared anymore... Which might not be a good thing. I like the effects it might have on "General Order One" and his homeplanet though.

I applaud that the people of CBS appear to be altering course but again: you have alienated and attacked your fanbase who have been in love with your product for most of their lives and gave it into the hands of people who only want their power (whether in the form of cash or their own political bias). Save Star Trek, save all our shows.

"Ground Control to Major Tom - Your circuit's dead, there's something wrong - Can you hear me, Major Tom?"

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@mansemat sure Saru was never actually going to die, but every version of ST has had similar plots with dying crew that are always saved at the last minute . . .

@glasgow1975 Ofcourse, about 55 crewmembers died in season 1 but it still fell flat for me. And I care about Saru yanno, even though his torso looks like that spungy rubber-like cloth!
