Ooooh, a sort of subversive episode, where heterosexual relationships are forbidden and homossexual love is considered to be the norm. Interesting subverted criticism on current human society.

The Orville keeps going beyond the comedy, nurturing its own philosophical nature — the latter being always a very important part of the core of Star Trek —, whereas Discovery keeps going pew pew pew.

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@misnomer I find myself saying 'goddam this show, so damn deep and profound' a lot. The guys writing this show are doing an amazing job.

@anubis81 agreed! I suspect they started The Orville as just a fun spoof of Star Trek, but eventually realised they were so good at mocking Star Trek they just relegated the comedy to the background and actually started focusing on solid scripts and genuinely interesting ethical issues. And the audience's reaction has been generally overwhelming positive, so they are, indeed, doing an amazing job!
