Review by FinFan

Mortal Engines 2018

It is not an awful movie and it is entertaining, to a point. It looks allright. But that's the catch - you just have to throw enough money at those type of movies and more often than not you get something of value.
The plot on the other hand is the same old tale, told all over again. There isn't really anything new to it and it loans ideas from so many other movies and/or books. The symbolism and the massage is way out in the open, there isnt't much subtlety involved, not much thinking needed, and it's pretty much clichè. You could see the romance coming before the movie had run for 10 minutes and the main protagonists hadn't even met. All those are the trademarks of a typical made-into-movie young adult novel. I don't know the books but I understand there are four so there is a possibilty for sequels which I am not sure would interest me much.
The cast was OK at best but there isn't really much to critizise when there isn't much to play with in the first place. One mis-cast for me was Jihae, not for the role itself but in general. She has three acting credits on her resume and I've seen her in two now. I would label her as a one expression actor, she always looks the same.
Now, for teenagers, and probably more so for girls, I can see where this movie has value. If you like CGI movies the same can be applied. All others should not expect to much.

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