Trickling out the back-story's without giving too much away, works for now, but I could see this getting tedious if they drag things out without advancing the story more. Looks like Luther was trained by Master Pai Mei and had is hand eye coordination on point. Thought Vanya was a goner though. Dude had a sleazy budding serial killer vibe about him.

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@paladin5150 "things can be tedious if they drag things out without advancing the story more"

Then there's Rick&Morty. They take forever, but they do deliver good stories.

I can safely say that I'm pretty good at advancing my storylines. Things go from a death in the tundra to a fox-alien in another universe to Mr. Bishop from Fringe talking about his philosophies while drinking tabasco flavored pepsi juice. I can get a bit repetitious in other ways though. Like, I'll refuse to consider killing off a character, then be surprised when the plotline gets slow and awkward as I'm hauling their sorry ass around in the tundra-fox.

@dewdropvelvet - Well, if the story is "Weekend at Bernie's" the ENTIRE plot concerns hauling around a sorry decaying dead guy while advancing nary a wit of storyline, and it was pretty funny. The point is, to continue ADVANCING, and not just chasing ones tail. (not to be confused with chasing tail, which is a whole nuther kettle of fish)

All serial sagas have "filler" episodes, but when the entire season becomes filler (ala TWD and FOTWD) then, I tend to lose interest. I don't like being jerked around, unless it involves dim lighting, romantic music, and chocolate Kama Sutra oil.

@paladin515- Well, you can always fake a characters death. I guess, even if only as a way to get over an aversion to killing things. But some characters are much larger in death than they are if they come back...the omniscience they had is gone. (Ali. PLL.)

Walking dead was too slow for me, I never got around to starting it... but I'm curious what a literary or musical analogy to that show might be.

@dewdropvelvet -
