Review by Enrico Camillieri

Mortal Engines 2018

Such an interesting premise deserved a better movie (or two).

The idea of moving cities is so intriguing and I feel that the film kinda missed that. More battles between these mastodontic machines would have definitely improved the experience. In fact, the opening sequence, with the small town hunted by the gigantic London, is probably the most memorable out of the whole film.

The CGI is well done. Nothing crazy, but it looks good today and will look good 10 years from now. I love the steampunk-ish vibe that permeates everything.

The acting was ok. Weaving was good, and the others were ok. I think the script is more at fault than the actors.

That brings us to the weak point of the movie, the story. The best word I can think to describe it, is "clichéd". Are they dead after that crazy fall or are they alive? Of course they are alive. Will they fall in love or not? Of course they will. Will they stop the weapon with only a second left or not? Of course they will. Cliché are not bad in and of themselves, but when you abuse them, the whole film suffers. I felt like I already knew how the movie was gonna end.
Also, the film felt a bit rushed. It was action scene after action scene, with very little world building. Which is a shame, because that was the most interesting part. The character suffered a bit too, especially the secondary ones. How am I supposed to root for them if I don't know their ideals and motives?

In the end, this movie deserved a better script, with less cheesy one-liners (seriously, some of them were atrocious). I think that two movies, or a three hour runtime à la Lord of the Rings, would have created a much more compelling story. What it is now, is a fun movie that won't bore you, but that you also won't remember very long.
Missed opportunity.


P.S.: Anna Fang felt like a Trinity (from The Matrix) wannabe

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