Anyone else ever notice that Bortus seems to ALWAYS have some level of drama going on? Think about it; the gender of his kid, public urination, porn addiction, his spouse killing someone, facial hair, nicotine addiction... I know I must have missed some but you get the gist of it...

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@cmonster Bortus serves the function of the newest most alien crew on Star Trek. Every series has one. In TOS it was Vulcans in TNG it was Klingons. In The Orville it's a combination of Bortus and Isaac. Isaac is more the hidden hand grenade of alieness but with weird rituals and unknowable culture habits that's Bortus. It's gonna be a while before the Bortus drama stops and everytime there's a dip and nothing else to do for a b plot or even a main plot they'll go back to werid Bortus things.

so naw it's not just you noticing it.
