Shout by TheNightWolf

Siren: Season 2

2x09 No North Star

What the hell? Who makes their viewers wait for about 4 months just to see the second last episode of the season? or am i getting something wrong? If I'm not wrong, that's pathetic!

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Check it, expanded to 16 episodes it's just like 2 seasons in a year, it makes more sense now, like a looooong mid season break

Reply by Deleted

@juan_k1ng 16? ok didn't know that. great. thought it would be 12, and such a long Gap for 4 episodes would be ridiculous.

@hildebread well at least according to Trakt S02E09 now is supposed to air this Thursday June 13th and yes Trakt does now say that it will be 16 episodes for season 2.
