I thought the vaping racist cop was quite funny.
But what is it with hospitals in TV shows instantly moving to forcibly sedate people when they say something weird? I‘m sorry, but that is absolutely ridiculous, all patients have a right to refuse treatment. The Aggressive Unbelievers played a large part in the last season, and it made somewhat more sense there because Prairie had a documented (if not necessarily true) history of mental illness, but just because a previously perfectly healthy patient who suffered a heart-attack or heart-attack-like symptoms is not making sense to a nurse (?) doesn‘t mean she gets to sedate her. In fact, Nina has all the right in the world to check herself out of the hospital if she so chooses. Stuff like this just makes me mad, not least because it makes people scared of seeking medical treatment they actually need.
There were a lot of moments in the last season where I thought that Prairie was being incredibly stupid, but I could kind of tolerate it because she was traumatized and things did work out (in a way). But at this point it‘s getting annoying, especially because she doesn‘t ask herself extremely important questions like „if there was another person in this dimension who was me, did I just kill her by taking her body? And if not, where did she go?“
The ending was brutal. She was supposed to escape, and now she‘s back almost where she started? And in front of the fish tank no less?

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@cluisanna You're wrong. The signs of self-harm on her arm and her not making sense are seen as good enough reasons to want to commit someone on the basis of suicidality. Even more so if she isn't cooperative.
In California,
"Under WIC 5150, an individual can be placed (involuntary) to a locked psychiatric facility, for an evaluation for up to 72 hours. A peace officer, registered nurse, medical doctor, or certain other categories of people may place the hold. Three criteria apply - the individual is assessed to be: a danger to themselves, a danger to others, or "gravely disabled" (per WIC 5008 - such is defined as an individual's lack of ability, due to their mental illness to provide for their food, clothing, or shelter). "
"If (after the 5150 hold) an individual is deemed to still be a danger to others or themselves, or is gravely disabled, WIC 5250 permits for an individual to be involuntarily held (in a locked psychiatric hospital) for another 14 days (post 5150 hold). "
