Review by Luca Zampieri

Gantz 2004

The idea is interesting, but honestly there are many better anime of any kind. I found many weaknesses: the plot is meh, many things not explained, many things completely random; the majority of the character are useless and completely unrealistic, especially in the first season (just to give an example they all think they are good but at the same time they don't mind letting anyone die in front of them without reacting at all even after several proof that they could at least do something, ah and i hope you like seeing character screaming the name of who is in danger like it can have ANY sense, because yeah this is basically 50% of season 1).
In the middle it seems to get better, i was not that bored actually until everything was just thrown into nonsense trying to be somewhat phylosophical (failing hard).
The drawings are good, animation is just awful (yeah i know is 2004, still awful).
After several anime watched i really can't see anything really good in this one, i don't really like any character, there is no rithm, you'll find yourself watching these morons doing nothing when there could be at least 10 things obvious to do, at least one, PLEASE! (screaming is not part of the 10 things). The action part is really poor with only one exception in the temple (2-3 episodes).
Watch this if you have really nothing to do except looking at the wall, of around 100 anime watched this is in the worst 5.
(If you were wondering yeah i watched it all, is my way)

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