Review by C B R B E Y O N C E

Avengers: Endgame 2019

I was sitting with a facepalm the whole movie.
There are very few descent jokes and amount of nagging... ewwf.

Things that strikes me the most:
-Hulk that does not regenerate and have to wear an armband (wtf)
-Captain Marvel which crushes the giant death star upon the orbit entry and then baby slaps purple dude in the face instead of killing him with a single blow
-Captain America giving his shield to a first guy that walks to him without a single good reason or explanation
-Remember those magic portal thingies from Dr. Strange and his monk bros? They still don't know how to use them, maybe next time? Who knows
-Stark builds up a glove to handle those stones, yet he is unable to build in a basic tracking device in case... Ya know, what if the shit gets stolen for example? Not a bad idea huh?
-All the bad stuff already happened, so this is our last and only hope to bring it all back... Should we maybe get in shape? Should we maybe ask Thor to hit the gym just in case? Naaah, he is good.

Don't get me wrong, I know that characters have to make mistakes in order for that sacrifice to be plausible, but with that amount of dumbassery and stupidity it is just silly.

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