Shout by Nancy L Draper

Barry 2018

An inside joke on Hollywood that runs out of laughs. I had heard promising things about this series (it kicked up a lot of award attention) so I finally gave it a watch. After a hopeful beginning (it had a unique premise which is always a good beginning for me) it just got ridiculous, silly and tired as it went, finally succumbed to the Industry's bad habit of applauding productions that mirrors itself back to itself. This show just doesn't go beyond being an inside joke on Hollywood. I won't waste my time watching the third season. I give this a 3 (tiresome) out of 10. [Comedic Criminal Behaviour]

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@nancy-l-draper what shows do you recommend?

@nancy-l-draper Dude so true after 2 or 3 ep its getting worse every time

@urwifenmykids Here are a few of my recommendations (it is an incomplete list) -,asc
