Shout by Greg Enslen

The OA: Season 2

2x06 Mirror Mirror

You know it's bad when half-way through you're saying out loud to yourself "why am I watching this?" I honestly have no idea where this story is going but good GOD it takes its time getting there, doesn't it? Also not realistic at all that this traveling band of kids can just toodle around the United States and no one spots them. AMBER alerts are very effective, yet these folks never get caught. When can we go back to that dream/dimension where Homer was picking out new skin? That was good and creepy, not "oh, look how pretty the ocean is" and "let's run into the water" and whatever else is going on with this meandering, senseless plot. My hope? This is all a dream in the mind of that sentient octopus. Or maybe our world is the dream...

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