Shout by Greg Enslen

Mortal Engines 2018

Just watched "Mortal Engines" and it's a singularly beautiful movie with some of the clunkiest dialogue I've ever heard on screen. The production design should have won Oscars: the rolling cities, the beautiful floating islands, and the huge tracks carved into the landscape gave it a feeling that's a cross between "Brazil" and "Lord of the Rings" and "Avatar." And while the movie started out with such potential, the acting and dialogue make the viewer laugh out loud--and not in a good way. Every character moment is over-telegraphed, and every line of dialogue feels like a "first draft," without any polish or subtlety. If only they'd taken another $100,000 from the special effects budget and paid a couple of good screenwriters to take two or three more passes through the script to fix the dialogue. But see this movie for the sweeping effects and gorgeous production design--just try to ignore the grating moments of "character development."

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