Shout by RiGHT

Doom Patrol 2019

I enjoyed the firs episode a lot, felt like a 'totally different' type of superhero series. Potentially as good as Deadpool.... that feeling only lasted that first episode and a little bit into episode 2. After that it turned crap. The lack of visible emotions on the robot and the bandage man dont help, but it all just feels so fake and ... just uninteresting. I do not care for the main characters at all, I dont feel their 'pain' so to say.
Only the girl with all the personalities is an interesting character and seems also a good actor.
I struggled through the next 5 episodes, fast forwarded episode 7 and 8 and... now I deleted the rest. I'm out.

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Yeah I also watched as it has Deadpool vibes and agree quite a weak show but S1 overall is ok. S2 is worse according to everyone.
