Review by Anto Butera

The 100: Season 6

6x10 Matryoshka

This show IS NOT messing around with the throat stabbing this season! Damn! Who else gasped when the random dude shanked Simone? Show of hands! :person_raising_hand:

Another gasp inducing moment (that really shouldn't have been, I should have seen that one coming) was Ryker putting Echo out of commission. Ryker! I had such high hopes for you! I know you were only helping cause you were kinda sorta being blackmailed, but still! :confused:

The total highlight of this episode for me was Bellamy's surprise rescue! Man, I actually cheered out loud during that scene, that's how excited I got. I'm way too invested in this show. It's gone past the point of it being healthy.

Also, I feel like Lola and Marie deserve a round of applause for their acting this episode. Octavia's total relief and happiness when she hugged Bellamy warmed my heart. And Madi's little, violence-loving smirks were creepy as hell! Well done, ladies!

Speaking of Madi... why does something being able to be isolated necessarily mean you can safely delete it? That doesn't seem like a foregone conclusion to me. Then again, it was way past time the show found something for Raven to do besides sulk from up on her high horse.

And lastly, I bet never in a million years the Bellarke shippers would have guessed the first mouth to mouth contact between them would have been during CPR! Ah, this show. Always taking our expectations and tearing them up AND ALSO setting them on fire right in front of our faces! But that head/heart reference? UGH! Play with my emotions some more, WHY DON'T YOU?! Perfection! °chef's kiss°

I lied before, I have one more thing to say. What will be of Josephine now? I mean, Clarke "floated" basically all of the book/memories. And then Jo decided to "do a Clarke" and use the mind mesh (or whatever) to stay inside Clarke's head. Does that mean Jo has been erased? What's actually left inside the mind chip? SO MANY QUESTIONS!

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