Shout by Lars Sieval

Rabid 1977

Poor Santa Claus, getting shot for no reason! That guy's aim was so off. Anyway I learned loads of new things about Montreal and Rabid thanks to Mr. Joe Bob. That is what I like so much about the Last-Drive In, so many tiny tidbits.

Anyway Rabid is still an effective body horror film. I like the Canadian setting, the way things go, the ending, Marilyn Chambers, the Arm Pit Stinger, the car crashes, martial law and the ending. So casual.

I do think Rabid is kind of a must watch for horror fans, it is just the way Cronenberg sees things and expands on it. Every film of David Cronenberg has something that you'll enjoy. And he is one of the best body horror directors out there!

Conclusion? Rabid is a solid film!

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