I am very finicky when it comes to romances in TV/movies, especially since nowadays it seems you can't seem to make a show without it.
But, of course, it wasn't much different back then. This one though, is bad with a capital "B". Forced and artificial with no chemistry. The musical score, the dialogue between them plus the slimy looking Ral push this in soap-opera territory. I will admit that the discussion about the ethics of being empathic has merit. Doesn't change the fact that Ral is unlikeable. Good that Riker showed him his limits. And, ultimately, Ral got what he deserved. Which at least makes the story just.
The wormhole story on the other hand I liked. Althought the Ferengi at this point were very much still only the scheming, greedy capitalists. This should have been the focus and not just the canvas.
Well, that was a lot of writing for a rather empty episode.

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