Shout by rhaeneris
BlockedParent2019-08-07T19:44:37Z— updated 2021-03-26T19:06:45Z

That ending ....this show has officially jumped the shark. Also I can't believe how poorly Abby's death was handled.

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@rhaeneris It's what she deserves :grimacing:

@tasa24 I obviously disagree, so I have no idea why you decided to leave this pointless reply instead of making a comment of your own. Abby's character has been mishandled the last couple of seasons, but she has been with the show since the beginning and she is Clarke's mother for goodness sake, so she should have been given a better send-off.

@rhaeneris I obviously disagree as well.
I thought this was a free forum that's why I left this "pointless" reply. Because I felt that it was poetic justice that she was floated, just like she had floated her own husband.
Anyway I'm sorry, I didn't want to upset you.
