As far as season finales go, this one was kinda weak. It didn't even feel like a season finale. But maybe I've grown spoiled by how crazy intense and high stakes all previous season finales have been.

At the same time, now that I know that season 7 will be the final season, I very much believe season 6 was basically used to set up everything for the show's final hoorah. While all previous seasons have been pretty independent of each other, I think seasons 6 and 7 will be two parts of the same whole, and that's why this season finale felt so underwhelming. Because it's not really the end of anything, but the midpoint in a bigger story.

All of that said, I still enjoyed the episode. Especially Abby's demise. It was damn poetic.

Also, Murphy being reluctantly heroic was great!

The whole thing with the Adjustment and the lady wanting to burn down the tavern while "a prime" was inside didn't make a lick a sense to me. Why not just burn Xavier at the stake? Also, at first I thought this longer, deeper look into the adjustment was completely unnecessary, but now, I'm starting to believe it will play a role where Jordan's character is concerned. I really hope he ends up having some purpose, because he has been completely neglected and useless this season.

Another thing that I hope gets better next season is the whole Sheidheda thing. He'll probably be the ultimate big bad, but as of this moment I'm completely fed up with him. I wonder whose body he'll possess next season. Any bets?

The one thing I didn't much like was how dumb and trite the scene was where Clake threatened to kill herself if Madi didn't break through. So unoriginal and uninspired. I seriously would have hurt myself had I rolled my eyes any harder during that scene. You're better than that, show. I'm disappointed.

But I look forward to getting to know Hope! Where did she come from? What's the inner anomaly world like? Who has Diyoza? And why did Hope have to stab Octavia? So many questions!

Catch you all next season!

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