This episode is dedicated to everyone whose "Sucky Mom (or Dad) game is strong"..... Expect the worst, but, never give up hope.... Sometimes, people can surprise us and do something completely beyond our expectations. But, if all else fails, it helps to have a "pimp hand" like Fox.

Well, we all knew there could "be only one", so, if you've gotta go out...., go out like a BOSS, saving your friends and the Universe. "Always meant to be together...., but, never meant to be".... Damn allergies..., sniffle...

Bolo "Ash" Killum..... TitanMaster! ... Gonna Kill em all, gonna kill em ALL!!!!! ( Yes, we HEARD him Jeremy....)

Next season cannot get here soon enough..... Chookitty Pah!

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@paladin5150 I started seeing comments by DewDropVelvet again...I was worried, not that it's any of my business, but...dangerous times. Anyway, I just (finally) watched the last several eps of Final Space, and, what an emotional roller-coaster that last episode was. So great! So sad! So happy!

@vwfringe - Been there, done that, got the T-shirt. She's been going through it, (a bit more than the rest of us) but, is headed back toward the light side once again. Send good vibes her way via the Universe, or whatever higher power or sentient entity you may choose to give credence to. Chookitty Pah, and, may the force be with her ( and the rest of us)......, Always!!

@paladin5150 Do you know if Anthoney's ok?
