Alien planet, Vulcan monestary… Enter the andorans.
Meanwhile, our two resident adventurers Archer and Trip are seeking a new adventure. They find Vulcan outpost on planet of P'Jem which T'Pol explains is sanctuary for Kolinahr, vulcan purging of emotion and is not realy convinced it's a good idea for a bunch of hyperactive humans to visit it. Archer is unmoved, he wants to play the tourist really bad. T'Pol reluctantly agrees. It seems she is not crazy about being seen with humans, but Phlox convinces her it is good for her as well.

T'Pol gives our tourists a crash course on manners in 3000 year old Vulcan monestary. They are greeted by a monk and T'Pol notices something is off. Archer takes the lead and catches a glimpse of a smurf man. They tackle him but are then surrounded by others.
We get to know Andorians and their paranoid and militaristic nature. Turns out they are vulcan neighbors and are at conflict with each other. They resent their superior technology and reasoning and are convinced vulcans are going to invade their home planet and that there is a long range sensor array hidden in the monestary. Preposterous, says vulcan monk, there's no technology allowed here. Humans having vulcan science officers doesn't rub them the right way either.

Vulcan elder reveals to humans they do have some technology, transmitter hidden in underground tunnels that Tucker uses to contact Enterprise. Reed is rethinking procedure for away missions and teleports to planet with 2 other crewmen to find escape in the tunnels. One wonders why they didn't just teleport them out of there, but that would rob us of a twist.
Explosion let loose both andorians and humans in the tunnels and after firefight in forbidden passage they reveal door that leads to a huge lab where apparently vulcans are working as if nothing is happening and vulcans dubious nature is once again revealed. After death threat to Archer from a peaceful monk and disarming him, Archer decides to give andorans scans of the facility and says that their people should know about this. Great diplomacy, vulcans will surely be ecstatic about it. They are now in his debt, Andorian replies, something that will come into play in just a few episodes.

Themes: diplomacy, human-vulcan relations, world building

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