Review by Bogex

The last few episodes didn't make much sense... This time and last time too it was multiple people against Wakefield, but he managed to come out on top? Even without any weapons in this episode? And why didn't at least one of them keep an eye on Wakefield in the cell? They caught the man who killed like 20 people, and they're not even going to be in the same room as him to be able to see if he's trying to escape? And Henry being the helper (and additionally Wakefield's son)...? Eh, just too many useless and illogical twists.

I wonder if I were to watch the series again from the beginning, could I notice Henry being sneaky or not present in some situations. Now that would be good directing. But right now I think that it's the opposite - people can't guess that it's (partly) him because he acts normal, he's among people, he's coming up with plans... He's playing his part perfectly.
I like thrillers/horrors more when the viewers can actually guess who the killer is, even when it's only near the end. Where people think back to the scenes and realize that that person actually behaved strangely, left a clue or wasn't present. But in this case, nothing comes to my mind that would indicate that Henry took part of this killing spree. Well, I guess I'll find out in the last episode...

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