That was a Walking Dead episode right.

- "There are only fours beds in the infirmary!" whelp, guess we can't take care of all our wounded
- "ok yall, cut off the roof of these cars cause it'll be more western-like"... "but what if it rains?" "but what if them zambies come a knockin' won't they be able to... "STFU we doin this"
- guess the kid never had blood on their face even though he's been in a zombie apocalypse for the past 5 or more years
- PTSD guy is having a PTSD moment is getting annoying
- Maybe if you don't stand there being cool 'n shit you would have noticed the 2 zombies flanking you
- What happens when a tree falls and one guys hears it... a whole lot for nothing
- "They're a pack"... "where theres one there sure to be others"... no shit Einstein.

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